Sunday, November 1, 2009

Talk about neglect...

I like never update this thing anymore. It's completely forgotten. Not like anyone other than Liz reads it... :P

Friday, May 8, 2009

because i said so

just posting to let ya know that im alive.... and cause im bored... so whats up pplz? Liz, you're barely online anymore... :(

Friday, March 20, 2009

Saint Gertrude the Great

she's patron saint of cats!! i didn't know there was a patron saint of cats!!!
and so, since she's such an awesome saint, i will be using St. Gertrude as my confirmation saint (you have to pick a saint that represents you and do research on them for confirmation.)

dont you just LOVE little kitty cats?!

XDD ttfn

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Bedtime Stories!!

you've all heard of that movie, right? its now playing. i just got back from seeing it about an hour ago... i wanted to post saying it was a great movie! 8D
i loved it; it was really funny, a great plot, and there was a little bit of romance, but just enough to the point where someone like me will go "awwww" over; so not too much, but not too little. i thought it was hilarious, so you guys should all go see it! :)
i loved the little ginea pig with giant eyes... lol